
Showing posts from 2019

How to overcome sadness?

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ Have you ever felt sadness which you don't even know what's going on with yourself? you just feel empty inside and somehow you feel like you have doubts with Allah? What kind of doubts in this case? It's like you have doubts to Allah that He will not give you rizq tomorrow (You are jobless and you feel that way), you feel that you will not gonna meet with your mate, when you are sick you feel that you're not gonna health and everything about worldly life, you have doubts with it. Have you ever felt like that? If yea, then you are not alone. Wallah, i am 100% sure, all human being ever felt that way. But don't let syathan deceived you, because it is their job to make you doubts in all aspect. They want you to be sad and doubting Allah so that  they can make you astray. Related to the preach that i got a few days ago from Ustad Nouman Ali Khan, you know when Adam 'Alaihi salam was about to be created by Allah then...

Dear you, who is about to give up

Dear my brothers and sisters, who are about to give up in this life... You are not alone who has this feelings, the feeling that you just want to give everything up. The feeling that you are exhausting enough, the feeling that you just want to end this all. I say to you, that you are not alone. Some of us struggling for surviving in their new workplace, new environment, new tasks, new responsibilities and many more. Some of us are also struggling with their financial issue, offspring, spouses and many more. But you just can't give up on it. I know that You are struggling for surviving yourself in the place that you can't call it as home. You are struggling for overcome your inner ego because you are tired enough with people around you or the condition or environment that made you want to give up. I stand by you. I feel it too. We are in the same boat.  But, my brothers and sisters, life is not about pursuing worldly life instead life is about to worship Allah and...

Islam must be Judged by its sublime principle not by the bad conduct of some muslims

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, If you find a doctor who adopts harmful medical procedures or a teacher with bad moral character, you will certainly disapprove of their wrong practices, which are obviously at odds with their social position and the type of knowledge they have acquired. This, however, will not make you change your mind about the great benefits medical science has afforded mankind or great position education and learning occupies in society and civilisation. You will undoubtedly reach the conclusion that such a doctor or teacher actually misrepresents his professional qualifications and affiliations.  By the same token, if you find some muslims who follow some bad practices, you may mistakenly assume that such practices reflect the spirit of islam, which is obviously not true. Just because the wrong practices of that wrong doctor or teacher cannot be possibly attributted to the medical or educational profession, such muslims' bad practices cannot, with an even s...

Stop Telling people about the bad of the person you don't like

Salam.. Today, I wanna write something about "Stop Telling people about the bad of the person you don't like." Because, nowadays, people hate someone who they don't even have a single problem to that person. They just hate that person because their best friends telling them that they don't like that person because that person do so and so. What a toxic! I know that sometimes we need to share our stories to the person who we suppose to understand us so that we can make our hearts feel better and not holding the sadness alone but sometimes we need to keep it a secret because we need to consider that " Is my story can make an impact to my friend if i am telling her?"  I mean, if we are being harmed by people, and we share our stories about how wretched they are, is my friend will hate her as i hate her behaviour? It's really bad when we hate people based on the story that we know WHEREAS we have never being harmed by them. You know, how b...

Leave it in His Hands

Sometimes, we feel so despair about life. So many questions are just running through our minds. We worry about the things that haven't come yet over. Do we realize that we have The One who will take care of all our needs? Do we realize that we have no power to change what's already written as our destiny? We just need to relax and trust HIM, and leave it in His Hands! Let me tell you that, Your worries gain nothing. I am sorry to telling you the truth. Even i said that, it doesn't mean i have never felt worry about life. I do. But i try my best to overcome my worries. Because as i said before, My worries gain nothing, it just leads me to hopeless and sad over it. What a waste time! When Allah gives trials to His servants, We, People, are so rush, we try to assume everything with our nafs, When trials are coming to our lives, we just think that this trials are  just form of punishments from God . Are you being serious? Isn't that too much? Can we see some...

Promise Yourself

Hi.. Salam.. :) It's been a while i haven't posted something on my blog since i've been busy enough with my stuff, like working and gathering with my friends. But today, here i am! Now, i wanna write something about Promise yourself .  Have you ever made a promise to yourself for making you a better kind of person? If you haven't tried it yet, let's do it together! Why should we promise ourselves? I personally will answer , "It is because W e need that,  We need to be a better person. " Some of you will say, "So, what's the relation?" Okay, let me explain it to you. Some of us are struggling with their personal problems and one of the problems prolly about the connection with Allah. Because i am in the same condition like that, i feel like i have a confusing connection with Allah. I mean, sometimes i feel like i am near with Allah but sometimes i feel like i am far from Him. It makes me a lil bit depressed becau...

My Short Story,

Sometimes, This life is not what we want This life sometimes feels so hard and at that time we even complain to Allah, why this is so much hard for us? But do we ever think that the life that we live now, is the life that is desired by others? So let's ponder about this.. This handwriting is for me before anyone else. I remember when the day i just graduated from my college, it was in October 2018. I really worried about my future life such as "can i get a job in the near time? What the job that i will take? What kind of friends that i will have? Are they good? Are they friendly? Is my salary will be good for me? etc." Those kind of questions are just running on my mind and it makes me sad because when i just finished from my uni-life, all of the answer, one by one are being answered but actually, it was the temporary answer. Let me explain it to you. So after i graduated from uni, I haven't had a job for 2 months. And at that time i was feeling so sad becau...

A Letter to My Best Friends

Dear my beloved friends, This Letter is actually for my friends: Mutie (Maybe 6 km away from me :P) Mervenuer (Turkey, around 9.081 km away from me) Moushumi (Bangladesh ,around 6.940 km away from me) and Aisha (Nigeria, around 11.688 km away from me).  In this time, I would like to say "Thank you, guys" for always be there for me even in not everytime. But thank you for always be there for me and thank you for all your kindness and loves. I appreciate it all :) For Mutie,  You are very close to me. Not only in distance issue but also in my heart *EWWW*  but its the truth to be honest. I wanna say thank you for being my friend. For always be there for me in my ups and downs. Thank you for your advices and helps. Thank you for being honest even sometimes it hurts. Thank you for always remind me to Salat on time, Thank you for ever crying together. Do u still remember it? When we both cried in the corner of our cafetaria in our uni? HAHAHA.. An...

A Letter to the Revert

Dear my revert friends, Welcome to the right path, A.k.a. Islam I just wanna say that i am proud of you. I am proud of you because you can canquer your ego and because you know the truth and you can't take your eyes off of it. I am proud that you are steadfast enough to maintain your faith till this day. The day when you say, Asyhadu an La Ilaha Illa Allah wa Asyhadu Anna Muhammadar RasulAllah Is the day that your heart was very relieved and there was abundantly happiness in your heart where's no word can't describe. I know you were crying at that day whether you show it or secret it, but I know, those tears, are the tears of happiness. I know at that day, you were very happy because you can proclaim your faith legally to the world. Dear my revert friends, I know sometimes it's hard for you to implement Syari'at Islam like prayer, fasting, etc and maybe it's hard for you too to avoid some things that you like where's in islam, it has prohib...


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Salam my dear friend, today the topic that i want to raise is about charity.  Alhamdulillah for everything that Allah gave us. He provided us with food, water, parents, and people whom we love. He even gave us the things that we didn't ask for. So, have you said "Alhamdulillah" today? If you havent said that yet,  then just say it as it's the embodiment that you thank Allah for all things that you got from Him.  Today i just scrolled up and down my "shopee" (online market shop in Indonesia), and then i overlooked it because nothing impressed me, so i went back to the instagram and found something that made my heart broke. I saw the Palestinian child with his messy hair and face and his eyes were teary, he said that he is hungry and he just have grass to eat. From that i was thinking "O Allah, how can i try to buy this and that where my brothers and sisters there need something to be eat when there is no food they c...

A Letter To The Blessing Month

Dear Ramadan, I know that you don't always come in my daily basis life, but i know that you always come every year. But you have to know, that i might not always be there when you come. When it happens, believe me, it's out of my power, because when it comes, it means, my age no longer exists. Do you know that when you're here, i am always happy? Do you know that i am always excited for the coming of your time?  Do you know why? Because, you are a special month, a blessing month, a holy month. Every believer always waits for the coming of you! Ramadan is a blessing month. Do you know why? Because every good deeds, will lead us to gain double reward, this month is a month where the door of forgiving is wide open, this month is a month of happiness because every believer tries their best to share everything that they have to others. This month is a month where no vain words are said. This month is a month that full of hopes, The hopes of people who want to be be...

How To Be Beautiful?

Assalamu'alaikum dear my beautiful friends, The topic that i want to talk about is "How To Be Beautiful?" Beauty is not about the appearance, but more than that beauty is in the heart and deeds. One day, i wanted to watch youtube, but i had no idea for what i am gonna watch at that time, so i just scrolled up and down the home in youtube and however, i found the channel of a youtuber from Singapore that married with a Marrocoan man. Her name is Aida Azlin. The first video that i watched from her channel is "A Letter to The Frustrated Believers" and when i watched that, my tears were just falling. And i tried to find another videos, and indeed her channel is the best channel that i've ever  crossed before. I got so many positive vibes from her channel, not only motivation, she also put 'ilm (knowledges) in her videos. And she is beautiful but not so so, but after i watched every videos that she uploaded, i know that she has a very good heart an...

When the worries come, start praying..

Again and again, i am writing this just for a reminder for me but i hope when you read this blog, you'll also be affected, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... This world will never stop to test you, people will also test you with their words and actions. There will always be a day where you feel down or lost because of people who hurt you by their actions or words. And if that day comes to you, remember this always,  Don't let their words or actions makes you wanna cry or give up but show them that you're strong enough to be dropped and when you think that you can't control your feelings anymore, just do 2 rakaats. Tell everything in front of Allah, cry in front of Him, ask Him that you need Him most. Don't tell anyone about your sadness, just tell your sadness to Allah. Remember that our Prophet, Yaqub 'Alaihisalam when he separated very long with his child, Yusuf 'Alaihisalam and he said this to Allah,  "Surely to God I complain of my suf...

How to increase imaan?

Assalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuhu How to increase your imaan? It's something that we, muslims, need to ponder about. I heard lots of preaching from youtube from brother Hoblos, Nouman Ali Khan, and another preachers that i don't remember their names are. So, i hope my explanation will help you, me, and us to increase our imaan. Remember that, i am not a scholar, so i still have to expand my knowledges, but it's not wrong thing to share what we know to others. Remember that RasulAllah peace and blessings be upon him says, convey from me even if it's only one verse. (Bukhari) So let's get started. To increase the imaan, we have to always remember Allah whenever and wherever we are.Thereby, when we want to do bad things that Allah resent, we eventually will cease it because we remember that Allah is watching us. And the one who always remember Him, when calamities befall him, he will never feel that Allah doesn't like him nor abandon him be...

Dunya and Akhira

This world is nothing but a place to collect good deeds because this world somehow will end. We ask Allah to protect us from something that will harm us in this dunya and also in akhira.  Some people take dunya in their hearts not in their hands, and it will affect us to chase the dunya and forget the akhira. Whereas, we will back to Allah and Allah has promised us that the hereafter is something that will come to us, sooner or later. Jannah and jahanam are also the real things. May Allah give us the capability to preserve iman over everything. May Allah give us the capability to differentiate which one is good and which one is bad and May He always let us to do good things.. May Allah let us to walk in His path, May Allah ain't blind us upon this dunya.Aamiin Even this dunya is merely a game and distraction, but It doesnt mean that we have to do nothing in this dunya. No, it's totally wrong.  We can hold this dunya with our hands then use this dunya to collect g...