
Salam my dear friend, today the topic that i want to raise is about charity. 
Alhamdulillah for everything that Allah gave us. He provided us with food, water, parents, and people whom we love. He even gave us the things that we didn't ask for. So, have you said "Alhamdulillah" today? If you havent said that yet,  then just say it as it's the embodiment that you thank Allah for all things that you got from Him. 

Today i just scrolled up and down my "shopee" (online market shop in Indonesia), and then i overlooked it because nothing impressed me, so i went back to the instagram and found something that made my heart broke. I saw the Palestinian child with his messy hair and face and his eyes were teary, he said that he is hungry and he just have grass to eat. From that i was thinking "O Allah, how can i try to buy this and that where my brothers and sisters there need something to be eat when there is no food they can eat. O Allah i am sorry, i wronged myself for overlooking and forgetting them. O Allah, i am so sorry.

So, my dear friend, please, please, don't be like me. Please if you want to buy something just think twice or thrice, is the stuff that you want to buy is the stuff you need most? if it's not, then try to hold it. Hold our desires for buying something that we don't even need. May Allah forgive me and you. Aamiin..

So back to the topic, 
Charity is giving something that we have to the people whom we love and to the poor people. 
Charity will never make us poor however Allah will gift us with good reward. In Shaa Allah.

Allah Ta'ala said:

"Surely those who give alms to men and women and lend to God a good loan, will surely be multiplied (their reward) to them; and for them many rewards. "
(Surat al-Hadid: 18)

also, do you know that, charity can wipe out our sins?

It was narrated in the authentic hadith that alms/charity can wipe out our sins.

RasulAllah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam said,

"Alms can remove sin as the water extinguishes the fire." 
(Narrated by Tirmidzi, at sahah Al Albani in Shahih At Tirmidzi, 614).

That's what we can get from charity. Do you still want to hold your wealth from charity? don't you want to gain reward? don't you you want Allah to forgive you? If you do, then try your best to share what you have to the needy. No matter how much money or how much food or water you can give. It's about willingness in charity. And if you can do it, try to give in the very structured strategy. I mean, try to make a plan for giving charity. Maybe once in a week or once in a month. Try to be consistent, and May Allah accept all our charity when we do it. Aamiin..
And lucky us, today and 25 days later are still Ramadan. Don you know what does it mean? It means when we give in this blessing month, Allah will give us a great reward In Shaa Allah. Then, let's do charity! :)
Aaa, i almost forget, if you want to give charity for our brothers and sisters in Palestine, i recommend you to cross this link:

if you're Indonesian, 

And if you're not Indonesian, i recommend you to give a charity via "ShareTheMeal". but firstly, you should download it in App Store or Google Play (I hope it's reachable for android).
So, that's it. I hope my blog benefits you. If you want to say something or give me some suggestions, reach me through this post by giving a comment or  reach me via gmail:

All of my post is nothing but a reminder for me before anyone else. 


  1. Hi ajenga,after reading this post i find out you are very soft like your name ''yas'' in persian that's a kind of flower that smells wonderful awsome aura as a work, you do: kindly advice.

    Thank u
    From Muhammad


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