How to increase imaan?
Assalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
How to increase your imaan?
It's something that we, muslims, need to ponder about. I heard lots of preaching from youtube from brother Hoblos, Nouman Ali Khan, and another preachers that i don't remember their names are. So, i hope my explanation will help you, me, and us to increase our imaan. Remember that, i am not a scholar, so i still have to expand my knowledges, but it's not wrong thing to share what we know to others. Remember that RasulAllah peace and blessings be upon him says, convey from me even if it's only one verse. (Bukhari)
So let's get started.
To increase the imaan, we have to always remember Allah whenever and wherever we are.Thereby, when we want to do bad things that Allah resent, we eventually will cease it because we remember that Allah is watching us. And the one who always remember Him, when calamities befall him, he will never feel that Allah doesn't like him nor abandon him because he knows that the calamities that befall him are the trials for him. He will never feel sad over it nor suudzon with Allah. He trusts Allah for everything that befalls him. And indeed, when the calamtiy befalls him, he even gets closer to Him.
Verily, the rememberance of Allah, will your heart find peace.
And to increase imaan, we have to always connect with Allah in any way. The example is read Qur'an. The more you read it, the more you will feel that you get closer with Him. The one who always read Qur'an their hearts will find peace, their hearts will always content because qur'an bring peace for whoever recites it.
To increase imaan, gathering with the pious companion is also needed. because the more you gather with them, the more you'll get knowledges of the deen, and In Shaa Allah the mercy of Allah will decend to you because when we gathering with good companions, they will always encourage us to do good things, to remember Allah, to remember RasulAllah, to remember us about jannah and jahanam and so on and so forth.
May Allah forgive me for sharing this, if i did mistakes, verily the mistakes that i made come from me, and the truth is come from Allah.
Wa'allahu 'alam bishawab.
Wasalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakutuhu
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