Short Writing 1: My Dark Soul

I was so negative andtoxic to myself,

I can say it as insecurity.

I used to be sad if I am not as beautiful as other people. It’s not negative for others, It’s negative for myself. I mean when i think I am not beautiful, I used to talk to myself;

Oh Ajeng, why you can’t take care of yourself? Why u so messed up? Why you are not enough? Why you are fat? Why you have pimples.

Oh my pity soul, I am so sorry for what I did to you, it took so much time to me to realize that I am enough, I am beautiful, I deserve good things happen to me. My pity soul, u did a great job, now you can take ur time to get some rest, cause here, I promise you, I won’t be that negative anymore. I know it’s not easy, I know I may negative some day later, but I promise you that I will try my best. I will take care of you and preserve you from toxicity. Cause I realize that why should I be sad, when I know that my Allah has already giving me everything. Why should I worry about what people think about me, why should I am not grateful; while He, created me so much perfect without any deficiency.

Dear my soul and your soul,

You are enough, you are beautiful, and You don’t need to be someone else cause you are unique already. You need to accept yourself and love yourself .

 Dear mysoul, what Allah wants is , You beautify your akhlaq (deeds), it’s not your face that matters but your beautiful deeds and heart that will make Allah even more loves you.

Indeed Allah does not see ur appearance but He sees your heart and deeds. 

-Hadith Muslim-



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