Short Writing 3: My July

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful There are things in life that we can’t complain for. Allah knows best for me and you. I May feel pain, I may get hurt, but all those feelings somehow will lead you back to your Creator, to the best version of yourself. I may don’t know what He already planned for me, but I know for sure, He wants best for me. He wants to save me. I admit that I am not good enough. I ignored His signs. His signs that I should stop doing wrong. But He never give up to give me that signs. I might be late to realize His signs, but I thank Allah that He never closed His door for me. I cried a lot, I depressed, but in the end He is The One who waits for me and actually He always been there for me, in all the situations i got thru. O Allah, what will I be if you are not taking care of me. I might get lost and fell into an endless sorrow. It’s really hard for me at first to Trust You back, I...