Perfectly Created
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful I have to tell you that you are beautiful! No matter how much you hate your eyes, your nose, or anything that relate to your body. You are perfectly beautiful! Only one thing that makes you ugly is your negative perspective about yourself which saying that you are not beautiful!
We are as human is already created by our Supreme Lord; Allah, perfretly!
He created us in the best of forms (see qur'an 95:4).
So, In point of fact, You are Perfectly Created. Why are you still comparing yourself with another persons that have white colour skin, straight hair, tall, etc? You are a uniqe and beautiful human being that Allah created, you should be grateful. So many people we found out that they have flaws like have no perfect hands or feet or eyes or anything like us but that doesn't mean Allah doesn't love them. He does and He will always love them. And Allah knows best for what He did and He is The Most Merciful to His servants. I believe that there are a beautiful things behind it. So just trust Him and khusnudzon to Him.
Back to the topic, about beauty.
As human we can do whatever we want to preserve or intensify our beauty like doing skin care routine or clean our body well but should suit on sharia law. So thats okay to put serum, moisturizer, lipbalm, UV protection, sheet mask, etc but make sure thay we dont exaggerate in consuming it.
Indeed Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty. So, when we preserve our body to pursue His love with ways that is allowed in islam then In Sha Allah, He will give us reward.
Social media brings positive and negative impacts in our lives. I do feel it.
So, when we feel insecure or ingratitude because it shows us how little and poor and ugly we are, stop using it, istighfar. And remember that you are beautiful, remember that you are more than enough, and remember that so many people unlucky like us, poorer than us but they still smile and grateful anyway. Be wise in using social media, use it for something beneficial like studying something or making charity program or anything else that will not make us a person who is jealous to another persons or make us a person who is ingratitude with what Allah has bestowed us.
May Allah save us from that Aamiin.
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