Short Writing 1: My Dark Soul
I was so negative andtoxic to myself, I can say it as insecurity. I used to be sad if I am not as beautiful as other people. It’s not negative for others, It’s negative for myself. I mean when i think I am not beautiful, I used to talk to myself; “ Oh Ajeng, why you can’t take care of yourself? Why u so messed up? Why you are not enough? Why you are fat? Why you have pimples. ” Oh my pity soul, I am so sorry for what I did to you, it took so much time to me to realize that I am enough, I am beautiful, I deserve good things happen to me. My pity soul, u did a great job, now you can take ur time to get some rest, cause here, I promise you, I won’t be that negative anymore. I know it’s not easy, I know I may negative some day later, but I promise you that I will try my best. I will take care of you and preserve you from toxicity. Cause I realize that why should I be sad, when I know that my Allah has already giving me everything. Why should I worry about what people think about me, why sh...