Believers Must Increase their Ibadah

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful In this year, we have been through tough times.. Corona virus, flood, poverty, lose job, and many things. Do we understand that, It is a signal from Allah, that we should turn back to Him? I am a sinner and I am writing this, not because I am a pious person, but, we are muslims and it is our obligation to remind each other especially about our deen. Back to the topic, We are now facing social distancing which is we are not allowed to go outside if it's not needed, even we work from home, school from home, and ibadah from home. Now, cause everything we do at home, it is easy for us to make alternation within ourselves. I mean, because we are at home, we can make ourselves nearer to our Creator, knowing Him, and make Him loves us in many ways. These ways i call it as " Increasing our Ibadah. " I am not telling you for doing 5 daily prayers ...