A Letter to the Revert

Dear my revert friends, Welcome to the right path, A.k.a. Islam I just wanna say that i am proud of you. I am proud of you because you can canquer your ego and because you know the truth and you can't take your eyes off of it. I am proud that you are steadfast enough to maintain your faith till this day. The day when you say, Asyhadu an La Ilaha Illa Allah wa Asyhadu Anna Muhammadar RasulAllah Is the day that your heart was very relieved and there was abundantly happiness in your heart where's no word can't describe. I know you were crying at that day whether you show it or secret it, but I know, those tears, are the tears of happiness. I know at that day, you were very happy because you can proclaim your faith legally to the world. Dear my revert friends, I know sometimes it's hard for you to implement Syari'at Islam like prayer, fasting, etc and maybe it's hard for you too to avoid some things that you like where's in islam, it has prohib...