
Showing posts from February, 2017


PENDAPATAN PRIBADI DAN PENDAPATAN DISPOSEBEL PENDAPATAN PRIBADI Pendapatan pribadi dapat diartikan sebagai semua jenis pendapatan, termasuk pendapatan yang diperoleh tanpa memberikan sesuatu kegiatan apapun, yang diterima oleh penduduk sesuatu Negara. Dari istilah pendapatan pribadi ini dapatlah disimpulkan bahwa dalam pendapatan pribadi telah termasuk juga pembayaran pindahan. Pembayaran tersebut merupakan pemberian – pemberian yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah kepada berbagai golongan masyarakat di mana para penerimanya tidak perlu memberikan suatu balas jasa atau usaha apa pun, sebagai imbalannya. Bunga pinjaman konsumen dan pemerintah Pendapatan masyarakat lain yang tidak tergolong kepada pendapatan nasional tetapi termasuk di dalam pendapatan pribadi adalah pendapatan yang berupa bunga ke atas utang Negara dan bunga ke atas pinjaman untuk konsumsi. Sebab kedua jenis bunga tersebut tidak termasuk sebagai pendapatan nasional. Karena pendapatan pribadi meliputi semua ...

the story of steve jobs, 3 stories with quotes of Steve Jobs

STEVE JOBS There are three stories from Steve Jobs The first story from Steve Jobs is connecting the dots   Steve Jobs dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months. It started before   he was born. His biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put him up for adoption. She felt very strongly that Steve   should be adopted by college graduates. But, apparently, they will addopting a baby girl not a baby boy. And 17 years later he did go to college. But he naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of his working-class parents' savings were being spent on his college tuition. After six months, he couldn't see the value in it. So Steve decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. The minute he dropped out he could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest him, and begin dropping in on the ones that ...

Cara menghitung Pph 21 atas uang bonus, perpajakan 2

Perpajakan 2 Contoh soal: Tn. Ahmad bekerja di PT. Serbaguna telah menikah dan mempunyai 1 anak kandung, 1 anak asuh dan 1 anak tiri. Dia bekerja dan memperoleh gaji sebulan 8.000.000, tunjangan kesehatan 1.000.000, dan makan siang senilai 500.000. pada bulan November ia menerima bonus sebesar 6.000.000. Buatlah: a.        Pph pasal 21 atas uang bonus b.       Pph pasal 21 untuk masa November 2016 c.        Kapan harus bayar dan setor pph pasal 21 masa November 2016 d.       Bagaimana jika bayar tanggal 15 desember dan lapor tanggal 25 desember 2016 JAWABAN A.       PERTAMA-TAMA BUAT PPH PS 21 YANG BELUM DITAMBAH BONUS Gaji                                  ...

My Passion

hello everybody, today i want to share about my passion. actually i wrote that passion when my teacher asked us to make a story about passion in a sheet of paper with english. then, i would you to know about my passion. it might not be cool, but i want you to give me a critical about what i've written 1 year ago. you can give me a critical about my grammar or whatever you want. or you can give me a proposition about my passion or anything you want. so, hope you enjoy to read my article. thank youuu... My Passion I will tell you about my passion. It all began when i was studied at SMAN 22 Jakarta. My passion was started from my habit. My habit was writing anything on blog. I posted anything on blog like short stories, poetries, educational articles and also the advantures in my life. I’ve been writing on blog since 2012. I thinked, writing could be the best alternative to share something positive to others. My habit continues till now. I share something based on what i ...