Hello June!

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful Hi June, Thank you for being here, it's almost your 25 years with me. I like you June, not because I was born in this month but also your name is quite unique and beautiful. To be honest, This month especially in my born date, I expect nothing, not a gift, not even praise. You are just like ordinary months, but when I hear your name being said, my heart feels blooming because how beautiful it is. And I want to thank Allah that He has given me everything, He gives me life, He gives me chances, chances to keep being on His track and to be a better person. I know sometimes I fall short, but that doesn't mean that I give up. Because I know, my Allah , will never leave me, He waits for me, He forgives me. I know I am not a saint, not even pious. I made mistakes, I do sins, I strayed, But His love overcomes everything. His love even far bigger than His wrath. I believe that my A...