Websites That Bring You Closer To Jannah

TOP 20 ISLAMIC WEBSITES THAT BRINGS YOU CLOSER TO JANNAH Posted by ZAAHARA .COM on December 12, 2017 Here I list the websites that are beneficial to be visited, i copied this all from I hope this post will be beneficial for those who read it. There are many interesting Muslim websites that Muslims can browse to and discover more about the religion of Islam. Here are the top 20 Muslim websites that are worth it to visit: Quran Online lists all 114 surahs contained in the Quran in ascending order. The website also gives the meaning of the name of the surah in English and an English translation of each verse. Hadith Online divides hadiths according to categories. Listing hadiths as Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim and so on. A search toolbar is provided where you can search for a specific hadith if you want to. The slogan says “The Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. at your fingertips” is definitely true. https://su...