
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful It's been sooooo long that i haven't posted anything yet. But today, here I am... In Shaa Allah Today i wanna bring the topic that relates to our current condition where nowadays people are stingy for spending their money while it's related to the deen. Not only about charity but also about seeking knowledge as well. Why do I say this? Let’s check it out ! Nowadays, people are too easy to buy things that actually, they don't really need it in their lives such as new clothes, new bags, new wallets, new laptop, new handphone, etc. Tho, they already have such things and everything is okay, nothing to be replaced but still they buy it in the name of trend. 'Audzubillah... Let's we do istighfar. Astagfirullah hal'adzim I am not talking like this to corner you but it's the reality even myself also do such things sometimes :( Inalillahi We buy things...