This too, Shall Pass

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ All of us has our main problems that messed up our lives. When the problem comes, it feels like we are the most suffering person in the world. It is okay to feel that way sometimes, but i want you to remember that our trials are different. He gives us trials in different way. Some of us have financial issue, mental issue, family issue, etc. But you know what? We feel the same when the test comes. We feel sad. We feel hopeless sometimes. And somehow we feel like we don't even deserve happiness. BUT, remember that Allah will not burden us beyond our capacity. I almost got disappointed many times, gave up many times, and cry many times. But it's Allah, who made me strong enough. Till now i still have many problems, but I believe, Oneday, He will help me and He will make a way out for me. It's Allah who gives us trials wheather to test us or punish us, but behind it, it will always have a good point. You know i have weird habit w...