Short Writting 2: A Half Month of Ramadan

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful Hi there, I hope you are doing well there. Alhamdulillah we reach again Ramadan this year and may we can still meet ramadan in years to come, Aamiin.. Today is April 17 2022, which means it is already Day 15 of ramadan and In Sha Allah we still have a half month to finish it. May we can give our best before this holy month left us :((( Aamiin You know, sometimes I feel like I haven’t give the best of me on this blessed month, and If you also feel same, so let’s start again to make the best deeds, the best ibadah to Allah in this blesssed month. We still have time to fix our ibadah, to firm our intentions. Let’s make these steps to do the best in this half ramadan In Sha Allah: First , Let’s fix our salah . It’s all our problem to pray on time :( If you are already a person who prays on time, Ma Sha Allah, May Allah make it consitent for you Aamiin.. But ...