Leave it in His Hands

Sometimes, we feel so despair about life. So many questions are just running through our minds. We worry about the things that haven't come yet over. Do we realize that we have The One who will take care of all our needs? Do we realize that we have no power to change what's already written as our destiny? We just need to relax and trust HIM, and leave it in His Hands! Let me tell you that, Your worries gain nothing. I am sorry to telling you the truth. Even i said that, it doesn't mean i have never felt worry about life. I do. But i try my best to overcome my worries. Because as i said before, My worries gain nothing, it just leads me to hopeless and sad over it. What a waste time! When Allah gives trials to His servants, We, People, are so rush, we try to assume everything with our nafs, When trials are coming to our lives, we just think that this trials are just form of punishments from God . Are you being serious? Isn't that too much? Can we see some...