When the worries come, start praying..
Again and again, i am writing this just for a reminder for me but i hope when you read this blog, you'll also be affected, Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... This world will never stop to test you, people will also test you with their words and actions. There will always be a day where you feel down or lost because of people who hurt you by their actions or words. And if that day comes to you, remember this always, Don't let their words or actions makes you wanna cry or give up but show them that you're strong enough to be dropped and when you think that you can't control your feelings anymore, just do 2 rakaats. Tell everything in front of Allah, cry in front of Him, ask Him that you need Him most. Don't tell anyone about your sadness, just tell your sadness to Allah. Remember that our Prophet, Yaqub 'Alaihisalam when he separated very long with his child, Yusuf 'Alaihisalam and he said this to Allah, "Surely to God I complain of my suf...